Incidentally, from some previous episodes, I noticed a link I have not seen discussed anywhere else...The city of Portland (I assume Portland Oregon, not Portland Maine).
In Season 3 of LOST, There was an episode called "Not in Portland", with Juliette being lured to a new career by the "Others' " fictional biotech company and they claim it is in Portland. And later we find out that Ben Linus was born 32 miles outside of Portland (in "The Man Behind the Curtain"). Interesting coincidence?
Anyway, The Other Woman was a good episode, but not too much revelation on the mystries front. Just a little more into Juliette's life. Disappointing, but I supposed there is a direction this is all headed, so unless the creators of LOST want a mutiny on their hands from fans, they better end this thing WELL and WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED!
The episode starts with a FLASHBACK (first one of Season 4) of Juliet meeting Harper Stanhope for therapy. We realize she is being treated for loneliness and isolation since being relocated to the island with the Others. We also learn that Harper is Goodwin's wife. Goodwin, from previous episodes, we know as having had sex with Juliet, and being killed by Ana Lucia when the Tail Section survivors discovered he was not one of them. I have started paying attention to the details in everyone's houses, rooms and environment, rather than the faces or dialogue of a scene alone. Almost always, there is something important, or revealing, or interestingly linked hidden in the picture. So I will try to tell this episode's story through the screenshots...
Harper's House and Harper herself.
In the same flashback, we learn that Ben really brought Juliet to the island because she resembles someone he knew and cared for, and her considers Juliet "his".
Back in "real time", Charlotte Lewis and Daniel Faraday have ecaped from the beach and gone into the jungle on some mission. With Jack, Juliet, Jin, Sun, and Vincent on their tails, Charlotte and Daniel took a bag full of gasmasks and guns with them. During the chase, Juliet (while alone) hears the loud whispers that occur in the jungle before one of the "Others" appears to the "Losties". Behind her appears Harper, as an Other. She claims Ben sent her to tell Juliet that she needs to follow Charlotte and Daniel to one of the Dharma stations called "The Tempest". Ben, most recently, was Locke's prisoner in the Others' camp/housing unit. Juliet questions Harper about how Ben could send Harper when he is prisoner, and she says "Ben is exactly where he wants to be". To stop Lewis and Faraday, she is instructed to say, Juliet must shoot them. Apparently, The Tempest station serves the double function of "power station" as well as a control room and storage place for the crazy gas/chemical that Ben used a long time ago to exterminate the Dharma people including his father (Roger the Work Man). The claim seems to be that Charlotte and Daniel are going to release the gas and kill everyone on the island. Just as Jack arrives and confronts Juliet and Harper, the whispers come back and Harper disappears right in front of their eyes.
In a flashback, Juliet is crying in her makeshift clinic when she hears someone rustling thru her supplies. She sees that it is Goodwin (their first encounter). He claims he needed gauze for a burn he got from leaning against a hot transformer where he works, at a "power station". Juliet sees the burn, recognizes that it is a chemical burn, but says nothing. She treats his burn. They have a talk that reveals Juliet is sad and alone, and that admits she does not like her therapist, Harper. Goodwin reveals that Harper is his wife. She says she knows he's lying about the burn. They agree not to reveal each others' secrets, on mutual agreement. Goodwin falls in love with Juliet here, but nothing happens. There are symbols and stuff on everything so I tried to get screenshots of everything during this dialogue. There is also the part in this scene, where Goodwin calls Juliet by her last name, Burk, while at the same time the Executive Producer of the show's name, Bryan Burk, is on the screen. Very funny. :)
There is a scene in the morning, showing Charlotte and Daniel on their trek to the Tempest station. In the jungle, there is a shot of a map drawn by or for Daniel. It is morning time, and the sun is shining on the right side of their faces. If the sun is rising in the East then Daniel is pointing North saying the station is that way. While looking at the map.
Kate, on her expulsion from the Others' camp by Locke, encounters Charlotte and Daniel and inspects their bag and finds the gas masks, just before Charlotte knocks her out and the two of them continue on their way to Tempest station.
Flashback again. So Ben thinks of Juliet as his own. Harper reveals to Juliet that she knows Juliet and Goodwin are together. Instead of being angry at her, she says to Juliet she is worried Ben is going to hurt Goodwin because of jealousy. Ben, being the mysterious omnipotent being of the whole story, obviously knows that Goodwin is having a relationship with Juliet but holds it in, but he's angry.
"Real Time" - John Locke is making food for Ben, the prisoner. They run out of chickens so Locke is butchering a gray rabbit, presumably the one from a previous episode where Ben uses a rabbit to scare Sawyer about implanting a pacemaker in Sawyer's heart. That rabbit had an 8 painted on his side. Nothing is visible on this butchered rabbit. Claire (holding Aaron) talks to Locke, encouraging him to talk to Ben about the Boat People to get more info. A shot of Ben reading Philip K. Dick's novel, Valis. Delivering the meal to Ben, Locke speaks to him and makes a deal to free Ben in exchange for info.
I'm tired of writing...To get the synopsis on these pictures below, please go to
Here are the rest of the pictures. Please pay attention to the details, signs, symbols, papers, labels, etc. That has been the purpose of taking these particular pictures.
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