Okay, so I am posting this episode a week later than usual. This episode was called "Meet Kevin Johnson" in reference to the pseudonym given by the Others to Michael Dawson (Walt's father) who left the island at the end of season 3. Back on the mainland, Michael has lost Walt's trust for admitting to him that he shot dead Ana-Lucia and Libby in order to get Walt back from the Others. Michael's mother is taking care of Walt. Michael is depressed and tries to kill himself, only to fail. Michael is told that the island will not let him die (the same reference as Charlie being told that it is in the fate of the universe that no matter how many times he escapes death, it is the will of the universe that he must die). Tom, one of the Others whom we saw get shot and die on the island in an earlier episode (in this episode we are seeing Tom in a flashback of Michael's, so he has not died yet), is in New York, watching Michael and "convincing" him that he must do as they say to save the lives of the Losties still on the island. Michael is to go as a deckhand on the freighter comissioned by Charles Whidmore to find the Island and to stop them from reaching the island. He is given a fake identity, Kevin Johnson, to mask the knowledge that he is working for the Others.
There was no scence with Jack's group on the beach in this episode. This episode began with a meeting in Ben's house in the Others' barracks, with Locke's group on the island revealing to everyone that Mile's group is actually on the island to get Ben Linus and to kill everyone else on the island. Miles confirms this. Ben reveals that Michael is his spy on the freighter. Ben gives a map to Alexandra (the girl he adopted as his daughter after he kidnapped her as a baby from the French Woman Rousseau 16 years ago), Carl (Alexandra's boyfriend) and the French Woman, Danielle Rousseau, and he asks them to go to the Dharma Temple station to avoid being killed or captured by the people who are coming to get him and to kill everyone else. Again, I picked pictures that show things in the scence's background that are of symbolic importance or in which there may be hidden clues. You can view the full episode in High Definition streaming video on the ABC website:
http://dynamic.abc.go.com/(click on any picture to get the full-resolution shot)
Sawyer and his symbolic half-face mask.

The picture of Annie on the wall. Annie was the girl Ben considered "his" and the newer arrival Juliet resembles Annie, although I cannot remember a scene where we see the head shot of the picture on the wall. We only saw Annie as a child in the Dharma initiative. The portrait is fully seen on Lostpedia.com

shot of Ben's house.

shot of Ben's house with Alexandra's picture on the wall.

Sawyer and his masks.

Now the shots of Sayid and Desmond on the Freighter. The scene began with an alarm on the freighter that was identical to the alarm in the Dharma stations when the shock doors were closing on Locke's legs and when Faraday was trying to turn off the poison gas in the Tempest station.
This poor freighter dude was being beaten up by the freighter Captain Gault. The dude was trying to leave the freighter on a little skip. The same skip was used to leave the freighter by George Minkowski and another person and they got to/close to the island and they eventually started experiencing the mental time-skips and they went nuts and died from brain aneurysms.

Sayid confronts Michael on the freighter asking what he is doing there.

Ben's house, with interesting things behind him. Someone has linked the crescent moon supported by the checkerboard design to be the symbol for the Egyptian god Toth, in his incarnation representing enlightenment in periodicity. See here:
Ben sees his adopted daughter Alexandra with her boyfriend Karl oggling over Claire's baby and apparently freaks out that he does not "own" his daughter or is afraid that Karl and Alexandra are going to get giggy with it and Alexandra will die if she gets pregnant on the island and cannot have her baby off the island as other Islander women have been dying during their third trimester for unexplained reasons.

Again, interesting shot of the room.

Danielle Rousseau, the French Woman, the real mother of Alexandra (Alex).

The map Ben gives to Alexandra to get to the Dharma Temple station.

Michael (as Kevin) was trying to help this freighter engineer dude (named Jeff) fix the engines that Michael had sabotaged long ago (along with the communications room). Jeff leaves, and under threat of force from Sayid, Michael begins to tell his story of how he got to the freighter (we see it as a flashback).

Flashback begins with Michael's room in New York, after Michael and Walt had gotten back to the mainland. Michael is writing a suicide note to Walt before he tries to kill himself in a car wreck.

Michael writing the suicide note to Walt. Note that the Watch he is wearing is from Jin on the island. They fought over the watch in season 1.

Michael's crash on the shore with a tugboat and barge on the water.

Michael's stats on a monitor in a hospital. We realize later that this is a apparition scence because Michael sees Libby's ghost (similar to Hugo's apparition conversation with Charlie when Hugo was in the asylum) acting as his nurse. Then he wakes up and his real nurse arrives.

Michael accidentally killed Libby after killing Ana-Lucia in the hatch on the Island.

Michael's real nurse.

Michael's mother is taking care of Walt. She's pissed that Walt and Michael cannot explain to her where they were for two months, why Walt is pissed at Michael, how did they survive their plane's crash, why they cannot use their real names and why they cannot reveal to the world that they were on Oceanic 815.

Michael's mother tells him that she will give his love to Walt, but will not let Michael see Walt.

Okay, so in Season 3 Locke was saved from the ditch (after being shot by Ben Linus) by "Giant Walt". Here we see a likeness of Walt as a little kid again. This time-swapping thing messes with my head.

Michael comes into this pawn shop to trade Jin's watch for a .38 revolver to kill himself. Note the guitars (reference to Charlie) and the prominent elephant on the desk. The little snow-globe and Christmas tree indicates that it is near Christmas time.

Jin's watch with Korean writing. Pawn shop dude calls it "Chinese". Michael corrects him. According to Lostpedia.com, the writing says somethings like congratulations, business developement, mutual cooperation, and Mr. Paik.

Note the headphones in the back (reference to Hurley/Hugo). Again, the elephant, and the giant and elegant clock behind Michael.

One red eye, one blue eye. Good or evil?

Michael with the gun.

Michael in the alley where he wants to kill himself.

The box of bullets.

Tom (of "Others" fame) stops him and Michael freaks out and has a fight with him. Tom tells him the island will not let Michael kill himself. Tells Michael to come to where Tom is staying (Penthouse suite of the Hotel Earle).

Michael's house and television as he is trying to shoot himself again. Television was showing a TV game quiz show. As Michael is shooting himself, the quiz show announcer asks a question, "What is the name of the author of Sloughterhouse Five", to which the answer is "Kurt Vonnegut". The follow-up question was asking the main character of that book by Kurt Vonnegut, to which the answer was interrupted by the news broadcast of the fake Oceanic airlines 815 being found in the Sunda Trench. The actual answer to that question is "Billy Pilgrim", a boy who becomes "unstuck from time" after a plane crash.

The gun failed, but Michael checked and it had all the bullets. Note that they are not identically stamped bullets. They are all .38 specials, though.

As Michael was trying a second time to shoot himself, the television showed footage of the fake Oceanic 815 in the Sunda Trench off of Indonesia. This freaked Michael out and he went to see Tom for an explnation.

As Michael entered Tom's penthouse suite at the Hotel Earle, Tom is revealed to be gay, and has his partner, Arturo, in the room and they are having hors' deurves and drinks.

Tom tells Michael that the fake Oceanic 815 plane was purchased and sunk by Charles Whidmore to convince the world not to go after the real one, so Whidmore could go after the Island by himself.

Michael asks to be given proof. Tom gives Michael pictures of the graves where the bodies on the fake Oceanic 815 were taken from Thailand, and the purchase order for the decomissioned Boeing 777 airliner faked to be the real 815 in the Sunda Trench.

The Boeing 777 bought with this P.O. by Whidmore Industries was apparently delivered by a freighter. We cannot be sure if the Freighter that Michael ends up on is the same one that delivered the 777 plane or if it is another freighter. However, the freighter that delivered the plane, according to this P.O., was designated vessel # 29930-D. Later on this episode we learn that the freighter Michael is on has a Swing-Lift Crane set for 14 Tons lift capacity. A Boeing 777, full of passangers but completely empty of fuel actually weighs about 125 Tons. So the Kahana Freighter was probably NOT the same one that delivered or sunk the fake Oceanic 815.

Tom tells Michael he must go as a deckhand on Whidmore's freighter destined for the island. his fake persona will be "Kevin Johnson". Michael is to kill the freighter people, Tom tells him. Incidentally, the Passport number given to Michael was seen in an earlier episode designated for "Dean Moriarty" which was a name given to Ben Linus on one of his fake passports discovered in Ben's secret back room by Sayid.

Michael arrives for deckhand duty in Fiji, at the docks of the Freighter Kahana, via a Toyota Corolla Taxicab. All of this is being filmed on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, so the work done to resemble Fiji is great!

George Minkowski with Miles in the background are at the freighter docks as Michael arrives.

Fake Fiji lisence plate.

This little Corolla stationwagon is makeshifted to resemble a Fiji cab by sticking a sign on the door. All of this is filmed on Oahu island of Hawaii.

When George Minkowski greets "Kevin Johnson", George is extremely friendly and greets Michael as an equal, even though he is introduced as a lowly deckhand. George is presented as one of the good guys on the freighter (one of the "innocents" as Ben later tells Michael via radio).

"Kevin Johnson" meets and is charmed by Naomi as he checks in for duty, and they comment on each others' New York and Manchester accents. Naomi points out that "Kevin" has a box that arrived for him. She is presented as a good guy here, but we know that she is linked to Matthew Abbadon and they are doing evil things, and that Naomi is military trained. Is she really good or bad guy, or is she not aware of the malevolence of those she works for?

Miles greets "Kevin" by saying that "Kevin" is not his real name. Then reassures "Kevin" that it is okay, and that 80% of the people on board are lying about something. Offers him an orange that he was peeling. This presents Miles as a both good and bad guy on board to Michael (and us).

Tom calls Michael on the boat, reassures him that he must follow the plan to kill the people on the boat, else they will kill his friends on the island. Note the winged-A/X (Armani Exchange) on Michael's cap. Tom tells Michael to ditch that cell phone immediately after this call. Are the wings on Michael's cap symbolic of the ArchAngel Michael? As though he is inadvertently a god-sent good-guy?

Note Naomi's tattoo. I have no idea what the fish in the background symbolize here.

"Kevin Johnson" on the freighter heading to sea. Note that the Crane is standardized for "SWL 14T" meaning Swing-Lift 14 tons (I assume it is metric). Also note the symbols on the side of the Kahana. I don't know the meanings of those.

Frank Lapidus having an argument with Naomi about who is going on the helicopter and since he is piloting it, he needs to know the mission. Naomi tells him it is a need-to-know basis, and he just needs to fly and follow orders. Note that the axe in the background is stuck in the wall as early as this shot, so it was not put in the wall (as I assumed and was seen in an earlier episode) by the cabin-fevered crazy freighter people. Also the dude walking in the back is one of the deckhands seen in an earlier episode, hauling rope.

Frank tells "Kevin" he got on this mission by telling Charles Whidmore that he did not believe the fake Oceanic 815 was the real one. Frank was to pilot the real Oceanic 815 on the day it crashed but he did not. So either Charles Whidmore DID place the fake plane in the Sunda trench and is bringing Frank along to keep him from revealing that information, or Ben Linus put that fake plane in the Sunda Trench and Charles Whidmore needs Frank's help in retrieving the real plane and finding the island. But since Naomi only wants Frank to fly the helicopter, I assume Charles Whidmore is the more evil one, and was the one to put the plane in the trench.

The people Whidmore put on this freighter are military people with fighting skills and a good aim, and are heavily armed with machine guns. Omar and Keamy are two of the original freighter people we met when Sayid and Desmond came on board. Here, when Michael first met them as they were setting sail, they are shown to be much meaner, and setting out to kill. Note the skip that was shown in the intro of the episode as the one people are trying to use to leave the freighter since it is stranded near the Island in our real time.



Keamy telling "Kevin" to mind his own business about the "rescue mission" and the machine guns, and to go swab the deck. This sets Michael off, as he was having doubts about fulfilling his mission of killing the freighter people as commanded by Tom and the Others. He goes to his room and opens the box that arrived for him at the berth we saw with Naomi.

He brings the case that was in the box down to the engine room to be by himself.

When he opens the case, first we see tools.

Under the tools was military-grade C-4 (called "composite-4") explosives, and a timer-detonator. Michael nearly activates the bomb before he hears the same Mama Cass song that was playing on the car radio when he tried to kill himself in New York. The little whispers that signal the mysterious ghostly arrival of the Others on the Island are heard. Then Michael sees Libby again, and she tells him not to detonate the bomb. Michael freaks out, Libby disappears, and Michael sets in the code to activate the bomb anyway. Note the little roll of paper above the C-4 explosive in the bottom right of this scene's screenshot.

Note the little roll of paper above the C-4 explosive

Ghost of Libby apparated to Michael again, not hostile by any means.

Again, note the little roll of paper.

The code to activate the bomb was 71776. The bomb began its countdown at 15 seconds, and 15 is one of the mysterious numbers in the famous LOST sequence.

The chip above the countdown LCD on the bomb is "Dallas" something or other. Is this a reference to something like a company or like a reference to the real chipmaker, TexasInstruments?

Instead of exploding, the little role of paper popped up when the timer finished.

The little roll of paper said...

In his room, Michael is frustrated that his mission failed, as caused by the Others who gave him the bomb. He is confused about his mission and is boucing a tennis ball off his wall. George Minkiowski comes in and tells him he has a radio call from "Walt". In the screenshot, Geroge Minkowski is telling Michael that to talk to the person on the radio, he needs to push the yellow switch over to channel B and to turn the dial to 70 Hertz.

Ben has called the freighter somehow and pretended to be "Walt" to get Michael on the line. Here is Ben's room. Scene starts with this Hindu statue and a mask in the background.
We see Ben in the hidden back room that he has, making the radio call, instead of going to the Dharma station dedicated to communication. Ben tells Michael that Whidmore wants to kill everyone on the Island. Ben tells Michael that he is not a cruel person like Whidmore, and that since there are innocent people on board the freighter, he did not want everyone to explode and go to the bottom of the ocean, and instead tells Michael to sabotage the communication room, followed by the engine room, to keep the freighter from coming near the island. He tells Michael that in what he is doing, Michael can consider himself one of the "good guys".
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