Sunday, December 27, 2009

DIY Demotivators. Creativity unleashed!

Simpsons 20th Anniversary logo couple kissing

Hey look, I found a hidden image of a couple kissing in the Simpsons 20th anniversary logo - I outlined the couple and the original is pasted below it. Heehee. Those sly cartoonists think they can slip stuff past us. Well, yeah, most of the time, but not this time.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hubert Farnsworth sciencing

Professor Farnsworth, under pressure, is sciencing as fast as he can.

"I'm sciencing as fast as I can!"

The Bookworm - that degenerate!

The bookworm. He is a degenerate porn addict!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

More fun with Captions


Oh my goodness, I have found the politicians...err...politics...err...POLY-TICKS!